Travelling & Discrimination...
Below are our articles on the subject of Travelling & Discrimination. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Dealing With Homophobia While Travelling
Dealing with homophobia while travelling is sadly still a part of modern life. This article discusses how women can research views on homosexuality in particular…...

Dealing With Racism While Travelling
Dealing with racism abroad is still sadly an issue that female travellers will have to think about. There are many types of racism that might be encountered abroad, as…...

Dealing With Sexism While Travelling
Dealing with sexism while travelling is never enjoyable. This article discusses how, by recognising sexism while travelling, noting incidents of discrimination and…...

Religious Discrimination When Travelling Abroad
Religious discrimination when travelling abroad is still a very real threat for many women. This article discusses how finding out about local attitudes towards…...

Reporting a Discriminatory Tourism Company
Reporting a discriminatory tourism company is always an option for women who feel that they were mistreated while travelling. Detailing the type and form of…...